By Frank Piegari
Happy Tuesday Saints!
This past Monday (12/5) saw the Women's Basketball team take on the Calumet College of Saint Joseph. While the team was away, fans still had the chance to support the women via a livestream video of the game.
On Tuesday (12/6), the Students Activities Board will be hosting a late night breakfast party beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Moes room located in the Motherhouse building. Chick-fil-A breakfast food will be catered for this event, so don't miss out.
The weekly tradition of the Walmart shuttle continues one last time this Wednesday (12/7). The shuttle leaves from the Rec Center at 7:00 p.m. so be sure to get their on time, so you can partake in this magically journey one last time.
The Justice League will be hosting a movie night this Thursday (12/8) at 7:00 p.m. in San Damiano hall. So come destress and watch your favorite nerdy movies before those final exams start.
On Friday (12/9) the men and women's track team will be participating in the Holiday Open at Grand Valley State. We wish all of those runners the best of luck at the meet.
Remember Saints, the residence halls close next Friday(12/16) at 5 p.m. Be on the lookout for more emails and information regarding this and good luck on those finals!
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