By Shayna Griffith
Image Credit: eBusiness Weekly
The coronavirus pandemic has set unprecedented challenges for small business, from early closing hours to complete shutdowns. It has not been an easy year for local business, and the Joliet Patch is looking to recognize a small business for 2020 Illinois Business of the Year.
With Small Business Saturday and Black Friday last week, why stop supporting your favorite small business now? Many small businesses are having to adjust to a new way of getting their products or services to their customers that they have never done before, such as curbside-pickup or expanded delivery. Despite the turbulent times, plenty of Joliet’s favorite businesses have continued to provide exceptional service to their customers.
Now, the Joliet Patch wants to honor a local business that has been especially great this year. Any small business in the Chicago area is eligible for winning, one that has gone above and beyond to deliver exceptional service.
“You can nominate any local business you feel should be recognized. That includes retail stores, restaurants, hardware shops, dry cleaners, plumbers, car mechanics, salons and more. You can even nominate the business you work for if you feel they've gone above and beyond in helping their employees through this uncharted time,” the Joliet Patch writes.
Illinois Businesses of the Year will be featured in Joliet Patch business spotlight articles all throughout the rest of the year. Submissions must include the name and address of the business, and why it deserves to be recognized. Nominations are due December 10th.
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